The modern rhythm of life and age characteristics are very often the cause of negative changes in the outlines of the body. It is possible to overcome this problem with the help of strict diets and exhausting sports loads. But there is a much faster and relatively painless way - a plastic surgery lift. Today, brachioplasty is performed in most developed countries of the world, but the best conditions for patients are created in Turkey. Such an operation will help to restore youth to the hands, make them slim and elastic.
The essence of brachioplasty#
Arm lift surgery is a fairly common and popular type of surgery. This correction affects the inner part of the arm in the shoulder girdle (from the elbow to the armpit). This is a rather traumatic procedure, after which faintly noticeable scars inevitably remain. At the same time, brachioplasty can significantly improve the appearance and achieve qualitative changes in the structure of the body in a short time.
Types of correction#
Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the doctor selects the appropriate method of surgical intervention. Today , the following types of operations are distinguished:
- Transaxillary brachioplasty - involves the removal of excess tissue by means of a small ellipsoid incision, which makes it possible to achieve almost complete elimination of traces of the operation. It is prescribed in cases when the amount of fat and skin removed is insignificant;
- Laser surgery is another method that minimizes the consequences of surgery, since it is carried out not with a scalpel, but with a laser. Among the advantages of this method: accelerated rehabilitation, increased sterility and reduced risk of bleeding;
- Standard intervention - used in cases of significant sagging of the skin or in the presence of a large amount of fat;
- Thread brachioplasty - miniature threads are inserted under the skin, becoming an internal framework, which allows you to give the tissues the necessary shape. There are both self-dissolving filaments made of polylactic acid and polypropylene insoluble filaments.
Reasons for the operation#
Often, a lift operation is prescribed in cases of a sharp, significant decrease in body weight, leading to the appearance of flabby skin of the hands. During the transformation of tissues after the end of a sports career, in case of inability to exercise, correcting the shape of the body, as well as with pronounced age and hormonal changes leading to loss of elasticity of the skin.
Contraindications to surgery#
There are a number of obstacles that preclude the possibility of an operation. Among such contraindications can be noted:
- Problems with blood clotting;
- Diseases of the heart and circulatory system;
- Skin injuries and dermatological diseases;
- Disorders of the endocrine system;
- Oncological diseases;
- Presence of acute chronic diseases;
The temporary reason for refusing brachioplasty is pregnancy and lactation period, as well as the presence of infectious diseases.
Operational process#
Female arm lift and men is a serious process that requires careful preparation and close attention to rehabilitation. It requires not only the professionalism of the doctor, but also the consciousness of the patient. Therefore, the high-quality organization of labor and the developed medical infrastructure created in Turkey are the decisive criteria for thousands of people when choosing a place of treatment.
Preparatory stage#
First of all, it is necessary to consult a doctor and a full examination of the patient`s health. Clinical and biochemical blood tests, ECG, general urinalysis, and other tests are given. You should stop smoking in advance and hydrate in order to reduce the likelihood of complications and speed up recovery. Exclude the use of blood thinning drugs. Diversify your diet, normalize your sleep regime and gain strength to overcome upcoming stressful situations.
Surgical intervention takes place under general anesthesia and lasts from 1.5 to 3 hours. At this time, excess fat is removed and sagging skin is cut off. Then a neat tissue tightening is carried out, taking into account the peculiarities of the muscular structure and circulatory system. Drains are placed on the incision area, and special compression underwear is put on the hands.
Recovery stage#
The patient spends the first day after surgery in a hospital under the supervision of doctors. This is due to a possible increase in body temperature, the need to overcome pain and weakness. After a week from the moment of the operation, the stitches are removed. After that, you can take a shower and perform light water treatments. Full rehabilitation takes 2 months, but an active lifestyle can be led after a couple of weeks. It is worth refraining from excessive physical exertion and tanning. You can limit yourself to walking and light cardio. The scars will gradually overgrow throughout the year. The results of brachioplasty have been preserved for many years with a reasonable approach to controlling one`s own weight and leading a healthy lifestyle.
Possible complications#
Postoperative complications are quite rare. Nevertheless, it should be understood that any surgical intervention is associated with a certain degree of risk. Among the potential complications:
- An allergic reaction of the body to anesthesia;
- The appearance of hematomas and other subcutaneous accumulations;
- Changes in the sensitivity of nerve endings;
- Muscle and circulatory system damage;
- Bleeding and sepsis in the suture area.
In case of such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. The effectiveness of eliminating the consequences directly depends on the speed of seeking help.
Advantages and disadvantages of brachioplasty#
Thanks to the tightening of the skin of the hands, self-confidence returns to people, it becomes possible to wear clothes of any styles and small sizes. Ease of movement, aesthetics and household comfort are found. But the flip side of the coin is the appearance of a postoperative scar and possible sensations of skin tension at the first stages of rehabilitation. However, there are already correction methods that make such traces as inconspicuous as possible.
The level of development of modern medicine allows you to quickly and effectively solve the problem of flabby skin of the hands and the appearance of excessive fat mass. Brachioplasty really justifies the invested funds, as the results of the operation are preserved for many years. It is enough just to choose a decent medical institution and a competent specialist.