Elastic and toned forms will help to look great in a swimsuit, and even just in any clothes. But not all women fail to achieve this through sports loads. Plastic surgery in Turkey will immediately come to the aid of such people.

The perfect shape of the buttocks - is it possible?#

Interestingly, both women and men resort to this operation. However, there are, of course, much more women. The operation allows you to adjust the silhouette favorably, increase the volume.

Details of surgical intervention#

The operation is always performed under general anesthesia. And modern technologies allow us to use high-strength implants that will serve their owner until the end of life. They will not shift, they will not change shape over time, and moreover, they will allow you to get luxurious buttocks without exhausting sports loads.


It is noteworthy that the cost of the procedure depends on various factors. Such as the price of the selected implants, additional services and the region where the hospital is located. But in any case, it`s worth it. After all, it will allow you to get rid of sagging skin or natural age-related changes forever. Plastic surgeons use implants to work. Silicone often acts as a filler.

Indications and types of operations on the buttocks#

It is worth noting that this procedure is not suitable for everyone. You can become a candidate for surgery for the following indications:

  • asymmetry of the buttocks;
  • muscle atrophy;
  • age-related sagging of tissues;
  • genetic features;
  • deformation of the gluteal muscles after injury;
  • lack of training results;
  • change of forms due to a sharp weight loss.

This operation is purely aesthetic in nature. This means that it is not performed in accordance with medical indications. But only to improve the appearance. Changing the shape of the gluteal muscles makes the figure more attractive and creates an appropriate look. The operation eliminates visible flaws, and today several methods of its implementation are known at once.


Silicone implants (endoprostheses) are used for correction. They can be round or pear-shaped. They are created individually - of a suitable size, with a smooth or porous structure. Silicone implants have a lifetime warranty.

Implants are inserted through a small incision in the crease between the buttocks, because the seam will be invisible externally. The prostheses themselves are also not palpable and do not create discomfort when sitting. The method of installation is chosen by the surgeon, depending on the patient`s physique and the amount of fat.


The technique is based on the transplantation of a person`s own fatty tissues. It is transplanted from other areas of the body. For example, from the abdomen or thighs. This can also be called an additional advantage of the method. After all, it allows you to correct other figure flaws at the same time, if any. With the help of lipofilling, you can not only make the buttocks more beautiful and lush. But also eliminate their asymmetry and even improve the quality of the skin.

Due to the fact that fat cells are "native", they easily take root in a new zone and do not cause allergic reactions at all. Also, this method does not leave noticeable scars on the body. Surgical intervention is performed under general anesthesia. And the result can be enjoyed for about 15 years.


This process is based on the involvement of the patient`s own tissues. The tightening process focuses on the elimination of age-related changes and allows you to return the gluteal muscles to their former tone. This option is perfect for patients who have sagging skin - mainly after severe weight loss or just with age.

During the lift, excess skin is removed along with fatty tissue. The texture and elasticity of the contours of the figure are restored. The placement of surgical sutures will depend directly on the tactics of surgical intervention. Her plastic surgeon selects individually for the patient during the consultation process. This method is also used in the advanced stage of ptosis and some cosmetic defects of the buttocks.

Usually the incision is made in the subclavian fold. After that, the excess tissues are eliminated and then stitches are applied. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, after which a long recovery period begins. To make the contours attractive, this procedure is recommended to be performed together with endoprosthetics or lipofilling.

How the operation is performed#

Many potential patients are afraid of operations because they do not know what will happen. But making butt lift in Turkey is not as difficult and frightening as it may seem at first glance. Next, we will consider each of the stages in more detail.

Consultation with a doctor#

A plastic surgeon is talking to a patient. Asks a number of questions to learn more about all the details of the state of health, as well as wishes regarding the result of surgery. If the patient`s condition is mentally unstable or there are some other factors, the doctor has every right to refuse to perform the operation.

Research and analysis#

You will have to pass a whole list of tests that the doctor prescribes individually. Here are just some of them:

  • coagulogram;
  • blood per group, Rh factor, biochemical, and various infections;
  • UAC with leukocyte formula;
  • general urine analysis;
  • ECG with transcription.

In addition, in the presence of somatic pathology, a consultation with a cardiologist or therapist may be required.

Basic preparation for the operation#

If the patient is taking blood thinning medications, they will have to stop taking them for a while. Additionally, at least a week before the operation, it will be impossible to smoke and drink alcohol. This is an important condition. At the consultation, the surgeon will prescribe several medications that will need to be taken. It is also advisable to observe a normal sleep regime and avoid stressful situations.


You can`t eat anything before the operation. Then there is a mandatory conversation with the surgeon and anesthesiologist, after which the process itself begins:

  • The necessary markings are applied.
  • The operation lasts up to two hours.
  • Usually, the surgeon creates a special pocket between the large and medium gluteal muscles, where the implant is installed. But other installation options are also possible at the discretion of the doctor.
  • After the sutures are applied, and the surgeon installs drainage to remove excess fluid.
  • The patient is taken out of anesthesia and moved to the ward, where he should stay at least until morning.

The patient can go home after the doctor has done the dressing and set the date for the next examination.

Selection of implants#

An implant, in essence, is a sealed capsule with a high-strength shell filled with saline or silicone. The latter are more popular.


Of course, the implants differ in size, and are selected taking into account the patient`s anatomy and desired results. The smallest version is 140 ml, the largest is 480 ml. But there are intermediate options.


In terms of shape, there are only two options – round and "droplet". If the buttocks are initially rounded, the first option is more suitable. If the anatomy is asymmetrical, a teardrop shape will do. The warranty on them is, in fact, lifelong. However, it is important to understand that although the implants will not change their shape, the appearance of the buttocks will still change with age.

Methods of installing buttock implants#

There are different installation methods. However, in any case, the surgeon should also focus on not damaging the sciatic nerve during surgery.

What are the options#

In relation to the gluteus maximus, the implant can be installed on top of it, under it and inside. The latter option is rarely used because it is traumatic and often causes bleeding. If installed over a muscle, this can lead to further displacement and even reversal of the implant.

Therefore, mainly, the installation takes place under the muscle. After the cut, a special "pocket" is created. It is quite dense, which eliminates the displacement or reversal of the implant. Also, this option makes the implant invisible externally.

Difference between buttock and hip implants#

In the case of an increase in the buttocks, the tissue is dissected, a special cavity is formed where a silicone capsule (implant) is inserted. Next, stitches are applied.

If we are talking about hip plastic surgery, then it is implanted with the help of an inguinal or subclavian fold. Thus, the seam is also almost invisible externally. As for the femoral plastic surgery, it allows you to tighten or increase the muscles of the inner surface of the thigh. Thanks to this, the legs look more elegant. The disadvantage is that the choice of capsules is extremely small, and not every clinic, even in brazillian butt lift Turkey, will undertake such an operation.

What are the pros and cons of butt implants#

Endoprosthetics – the most popular method of buttock augmentation - has its advantages and disadvantages.


The advantages are:

  • implants visually improve the contour of the buttocks;
  • a great option for those who do not have enough adipose tissue for other procedures;
  • the volume obtained with the help of implants is constant. At the same time, half of the fat transferred during the procedure may "melt" within the next few months after the operation;
  • do not worry about the rupture of the implant, because it has a semi-solid consistency.


Of the minuses, we can single out:

  • it will take about two weeks for a preliminary recovery (cessation of pain);
  • after a significant weight loss, the buttocks may be lowered, and then a buttock lift in Turkey will definitely be required, in addition to implants;
  • if the wrong shape or size of the implant is selected, the result will look unnatural;
  • you need to look for an exceptional experienced specialist for the procedure. After all, otherwise there is a risk of suture divergence, infection, prolonged pain and other complications.

Rehabilitation period#

The rehabilitation period begins immediately after discharge from the clinic, and can last up to six months. However, so that the joy of the new luxurious buttocks is not overshadowed by anything, you should not forget about the special rules:

  • tightening compression underwear can not be removed for at least two months;
  • you can`t sit down for about a week, and you can only lie on your stomach;
  • it is regularly required to treat stitches using medications prescribed by the doctor; you
  • can not take any water treatments for about three days after surgery;
  • physical activity will have to be excluded for about a month and a half.

And finally, if there is a need to do intramuscular injections, they can now be done exclusively in the thigh area.
