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The FUE technique is indeed a popular and effective hair transplant method. It involves making small incisions where hair follicles from the donor area are transplanted. This technique offers several advantages, including:

Scarless Procedure: Since no stitches are required, there are no visible scars in the bald area. The tiny incisions heal quickly and leave minimal trace, resulting in a natural-looking outcome.

Minimal Discomfort: Patients usually experience little to no pain during the hair transplant procedure. After the operation, any discomfort is generally mild and easily manageable.

Quick Recovery: The scalp recovers relatively fast, typically within a month. During this period, patients generally do not experience any significant pain or discomfort.

Enhanced Hair Density: The FUE technique allows for the transplantation of grafts containing around 4 hair follicles. This increases the density of hair in the previously bald area, resulting in a fuller and more natural appearance.

The Sapphire FUE technique is indeed an advanced and innovative method of hair transplant. By incorporating the use of sapphire tips, the procedure can achieve exceptional naturalness and precision. Here are some key features and benefits of the Sapphire FUE technique:

Sapphire Tips: Instead of traditional metal tips, the Sapphire FUE technique utilizes sapphire blades or tips for the incisions. Sapphire is a high-quality material known for its hardness and precision. These specially designed tips allow for more accurate and controlled incisions during the hair transplant procedure.

Enhanced Precision: The use of sapphire tips enables surgeons to create smaller and more precise incisions, resulting in a more natural-looking hairline and improved density. The channels for hair follicle placement can be customized to match the patient's natural hair growth pattern, ensuring a seamless integration of transplanted hair.

Minimized Risk: The meticulous attention given to the opening of channels using the Sapphire FUE technique reduces the risk of complications and ensures optimal results. The direction and angle of the incisions are crucial for achieving a natural appearance, and the use of sapphire tips helps to enhance the precision of this critical step.

Natural Results: By employing the Sapphire FUE technique, the hair transplant procedure can produce highly natural and aesthetically pleasing outcomes. The combination of precise incisions, customized channel creation, and the use of high-quality hair grafts leads to a seamless and harmonious hair restoration.

Overall, the Sapphire FUE technique with its innovative use of sapphire tips offers a refined approach to hair transplantation, providing patients with the opportunity to achieve excellent and natural-looking results while minimizing potential risks.

The Choi Implanter Pen technique is a modified version of the FUE method that utilizes a specialized implanting tool called the Choi implant.

Implanting Process: With the Choi Implanter Pen, the surgeon loads the grafts into hollow needles attached to the implant handle. During the procedure, from 2 to 6 implants and about 15 needles can be used. The surgeon then inserts the needle into the scalp and implants the graft by pressing a piston on the handle. This allows for precise and controlled placement of the hair follicles, resulting in a more dense and natural-looking transplant.

Increased Graft Survival: By directly implanting the grafts into the scalp, the technique minimizes the handling and exposure of the hair follicles, which can improve their chances of survival and growth.

Minimal Disruption and Bleeding: The use of the Choi Implanter Pen technique helps to minimize disruption to the blood supply in the implanted area, making the process more comfortable for the patient.

Minimal Pain and Quick Recovery: The procedure is designed to be almost painless for the patient. The implantation process is precise and minimally invasive, leading to a quicker and smoother recovery.

The unshaved hair transplant technique offers several advantages, particularly for individuals who wish to maintain their long hair or avoid an obvious change in appearance. Here are some key points:

Long Hair Preservation: With the unshaved hair transplant, patients can keep their long hair intact during the procedure. This is especially beneficial for women who prefer to maintain their hair length or for individuals in representative professions who want to avoid a noticeable change in their hairstyle.

Quick Recovery: The recovery period after an unshaved hair transplant is generally rapid. Patients do not need to wait for their hair to regrow since the existing hair is not shaved off. This allows for a more seamless transition and faster return to normal activities.

Minimal Shaving: There are different options available for the procedure. In one approach, only a small donor area is shaved, while the rest of the hair remains untouched. In the other approach, shaving is not necessary, but the patient's hair should be long enough, and only a limited number of follicles are required for transplantation.

Hair loss in women can indeed present unique challenges compared to men. The diffuse nature of hair loss in women, which can occur throughout the head, requires a different approach.

Transfer from Thick to Thin Areas: The primary goal in female hair transplant surgery is to transfer hair from areas of the scalp with thicker hair to areas with thinning or balding hair. This redistribution helps achieve a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing result. Since women may lack distinct donor zones like men, it requires careful planning and extraction from suitable areas.

Follicular Unit Extraction method has proven effective in achieving successful hair transplant results for women. The FUE method allows for precise extraction and transplantation of individual hair follicles, enabling the surgeon to create a natural-looking hairline and increase hair density in thinning areas. Importance of Choosing a Skilled Surgeon is crucial for a successful hair transplant in women. A qualified surgeon will assess the patient's unique hair loss pattern, identify suitable donor areas, and create a customized treatment plan. They will also ensure that the patient undergoes necessary pre-operative tests to ensure their suitability for the procedure.

With persistent hair loss in the eyebrow area and a lengthy regrowth process, it's not always possible to conceal empty patches with cosmetics. In such cases, an eyebrow transplant can be a viable solution. This method is safe and has long been established in the field of plastic surgery.

Today, women can benefit from the seamless FUE technique for eyebrow transplantation. This technique utilizes the donor zone located at the back of the head, leaving no visible scars after the procedure.

Prior to the transplant, the surgeon consults with the patient to discuss all the details of the operation, including the desired shape of the eyebrows. Using a micropunch, the doctor extracts grafts from the donor area. Incisions are then made in the problematic areas, where the grafts are implanted. The future direction of hair growth depends on the precision of the incisions and the angle at which the grafts are placed.

The entire procedure lasts up to 5 hours and is performed under local anesthesia, ensuring a painless experience. The recovery period can take up to 14 days.

For individuals who struggle with patchy or absent facial hair, a beard transplant can provide a solution.

FUE Method involves collecting hair follicles from the donor area, typically the occipital region of the scalp, where the hair is genetically resistant to thinning. The surgeon selects around 2,000 follicles to be transplanted to the beard area.

The procedure begins with determining the donor area from which the hair follicles will be harvested. Once the necessary amount of hair is collected, the patient is placed under anesthesia, and the transplantation process begins. The procedure can take several hours.

The recovery period after a beard transplant typically lasts around 10 days. After a few weeks, some of the transplanted hair may shed, but this is a normal part of the hair growth cycle. New hair will start to grow in the transplanted areas, and within a few months, it becomes indistinguishable from the natural beard hair. The results of a beard transplant are generally permanent, providing a natural and long-lasting solution.

The FUE technique is indeed a popular and effective hair transplant method. It involves making small incisions where hair follicles from the donor area are transplanted. This technique offers several advantages, including:

Scarless Procedure: Since no stitches are required, there are no visible scars in the bald area. The tiny incisions heal quickly and leave minimal trace, resulting in a natural-looking outcome.

Minimal Discomfort: Patients usually experience little to no pain during the hair transplant procedure. After the operation, any discomfort is generally mild and easily manageable.

Quick Recovery: The scalp recovers relatively fast, typically within a month. During this period, patients generally do not experience any significant pain or discomfort.

Enhanced Hair Density: The FUE technique allows for the transplantation of grafts containing around 4 hair follicles. This increases the density of hair in the previously bald area, resulting in a fuller and more natural appearance.

The Sapphire FUE technique is indeed an advanced and innovative method of hair transplant. By incorporating the use of sapphire tips, the procedure can achieve exceptional naturalness and precision. Here are some key features and benefits of the Sapphire FUE technique:

Sapphire Tips: Instead of traditional metal tips, the Sapphire FUE technique utilizes sapphire blades or tips for the incisions. Sapphire is a high-quality material known for its hardness and precision. These specially designed tips allow for more accurate and controlled incisions during the hair transplant procedure.

Enhanced Precision: The use of sapphire tips enables surgeons to create smaller and more precise incisions, resulting in a more natural-looking hairline and improved density. The channels for hair follicle placement can be customized to match the patient's natural hair growth pattern, ensuring a seamless integration of transplanted hair.

Minimized Risk: The meticulous attention given to the opening of channels using the Sapphire FUE technique reduces the risk of complications and ensures optimal results. The direction and angle of the incisions are crucial for achieving a natural appearance, and the use of sapphire tips helps to enhance the precision of this critical step.

Natural Results: By employing the Sapphire FUE technique, the hair transplant procedure can produce highly natural and aesthetically pleasing outcomes. The combination of precise incisions, customized channel creation, and the use of high-quality hair grafts leads to a seamless and harmonious hair restoration.

Overall, the Sapphire FUE technique with its innovative use of sapphire tips offers a refined approach to hair transplantation, providing patients with the opportunity to achieve excellent and natural-looking results while minimizing potential risks.

The Choi Implanter Pen technique is a modified version of the FUE method that utilizes a specialized implanting tool called the Choi implant.

Implanting Process: With the Choi Implanter Pen, the surgeon loads the grafts into hollow needles attached to the implant handle. During the procedure, from 2 to 6 implants and about 15 needles can be used. The surgeon then inserts the needle into the scalp and implants the graft by pressing a piston on the handle. This allows for precise and controlled placement of the hair follicles, resulting in a more dense and natural-looking transplant.

Increased Graft Survival: By directly implanting the grafts into the scalp, the technique minimizes the handling and exposure of the hair follicles, which can improve their chances of survival and growth.

Minimal Disruption and Bleeding: The use of the Choi Implanter Pen technique helps to minimize disruption to the blood supply in the implanted area, making the process more comfortable for the patient.

Minimal Pain and Quick Recovery: The procedure is designed to be almost painless for the patient. The implantation process is precise and minimally invasive, leading to a quicker and smoother recovery.

The unshaved hair transplant technique offers several advantages, particularly for individuals who wish to maintain their long hair or avoid an obvious change in appearance. Here are some key points:

Long Hair Preservation: With the unshaved hair transplant, patients can keep their long hair intact during the procedure. This is especially beneficial for women who prefer to maintain their hair length or for individuals in representative professions who want to avoid a noticeable change in their hairstyle.

Quick Recovery: The recovery period after an unshaved hair transplant is generally rapid. Patients do not need to wait for their hair to regrow since the existing hair is not shaved off. This allows for a more seamless transition and faster return to normal activities.

Minimal Shaving: There are different options available for the procedure. In one approach, only a small donor area is shaved, while the rest of the hair remains untouched. In the other approach, shaving is not necessary, but the patient's hair should be long enough, and only a limited number of follicles are required for transplantation.

Hair loss in women can indeed present unique challenges compared to men. The diffuse nature of hair loss in women, which can occur throughout the head, requires a different approach.

Transfer from Thick to Thin Areas: The primary goal in female hair transplant surgery is to transfer hair from areas of the scalp with thicker hair to areas with thinning or balding hair. This redistribution helps achieve a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing result. Since women may lack distinct donor zones like men, it requires careful planning and extraction from suitable areas.

Follicular Unit Extraction method has proven effective in achieving successful hair transplant results for women. The FUE method allows for precise extraction and transplantation of individual hair follicles, enabling the surgeon to create a natural-looking hairline and increase hair density in thinning areas. Importance of Choosing a Skilled Surgeon is crucial for a successful hair transplant in women. A qualified surgeon will assess the patient's unique hair loss pattern, identify suitable donor areas, and create a customized treatment plan. They will also ensure that the patient undergoes necessary pre-operative tests to ensure their suitability for the procedure.

With persistent hair loss in the eyebrow area and a lengthy regrowth process, it's not always possible to conceal empty patches with cosmetics. In such cases, an eyebrow transplant can be a viable solution. This method is safe and has long been established in the field of plastic surgery.

Today, women can benefit from the seamless FUE technique for eyebrow transplantation. This technique utilizes the donor zone located at the back of the head, leaving no visible scars after the procedure.

Prior to the transplant, the surgeon consults with the patient to discuss all the details of the operation, including the desired shape of the eyebrows. Using a micropunch, the doctor extracts grafts from the donor area. Incisions are then made in the problematic areas, where the grafts are implanted. The future direction of hair growth depends on the precision of the incisions and the angle at which the grafts are placed.

The entire procedure lasts up to 5 hours and is performed under local anesthesia, ensuring a painless experience. The recovery period can take up to 14 days.

For individuals who struggle with patchy or absent facial hair, a beard transplant can provide a solution.

FUE Method involves collecting hair follicles from the donor area, typically the occipital region of the scalp, where the hair is genetically resistant to thinning. The surgeon selects around 2,000 follicles to be transplanted to the beard area.

The procedure begins with determining the donor area from which the hair follicles will be harvested. Once the necessary amount of hair is collected, the patient is placed under anesthesia, and the transplantation process begins. The procedure can take several hours.

The recovery period after a beard transplant typically lasts around 10 days. After a few weeks, some of the transplanted hair may shed, but this is a normal part of the hair growth cycle. New hair will start to grow in the transplanted areas, and within a few months, it becomes indistinguishable from the natural beard hair. The results of a beard transplant are generally permanent, providing a natural and long-lasting solution.


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Advantages of Choosing Plastic Surgery Turkey Group:



With a legacy since 2008, Plastic Surgery Turkey Group is renowned for its expertise, having successfully performed numerous operations for patients worldwide.


Personal Assistant

Throughout your journey at the clinic, you will have a dedicated personal translator who will be available to address any queries or concerns. Additionally, post-surgery, remote consultations and further assistance can be arranged as needed.



The package price includes comfortable transfers between the airport, hotel, and clinic, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience.



You have the option to choose from a selection of luxurious hotels in Turkey, providing you with a comfortable and relaxing stay during your treatment.



Your package includes breakfast at the hotel and each meal at the clinic, ensuring that you are well taken care of throughout your stay.


Low Prices

Plastic Surgery Turkey Group offers a fixed, affordable price for the services of highly experienced doctors in Turkey, allowing you to receive top-quality care at a competitive cost.



The recovery period after surgery is not extensive, meaning you won't need to stay at the clinic for an extended period. This allows you to plan your schedule more efficiently.



Choosing Plastic Surgery Turkey Group not only enables you to have the desired surgical procedure but also provides an opportunity to enjoy a vacation in Turkey. Explore the beauty and culture of the country while simultaneously enhancing your appearance.

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Stages of Hair Transplantation

First Day


You arrive at Istanbul Airport, you are met by our representative and taken to a 5-star hotel for check-in. On this day you have free time to relax or see the sights of Istanbul


First Day

You arrive at Istanbul Airport, you are met by our representative and taken to a 5-star hotel for check-in. On this day you have free time to relax or see the sights of Istanbul


Second Day


In the morning you have breakfast, then you are taken to the clinic where your blood is taken for analysis. The chief physician conducts a consultation, evaluates the degree of alopecia and determines the required number of grafts for transplantation. Next, a two-stage operation begins with a lunch break. Duration is 5 - 8 hours. After the end of the operation, you are given medicines and taken to the hotel


Second Day

In the morning you have breakfast, then you are taken to the clinic where your blood is taken for analysis. The chief physician conducts a consultation, evaluates the degree of alopecia and determines the required number of grafts for transplantation. Next, a two-stage operation begins with a lunch break. Duration is 5 - 8 hours. After the end of the operation, you are given medicines and taken to the hotel


Hair Transplant


Collecting Hair Follicles

Hair follicles for transplantation are typically harvested from the safe zone, which encompasses the neck area to the back of the head. A specialized low-speed extractor is utilized for this purpose. Before the extraction process begins, local anesthesia is administered to ensure the patient's comfort and eliminate any pain. The extractor can collect multiple grafts simultaneously while maintaining their integrity.

After the hair follicles are collected, the transfer zone is prepared for transplantation. Currently, there are two main methods used for creating channels in the recipient area where the hair follicles will be transplanted from the back of the head.

The classical method has been traditionally employed for many years, but it is gradually becoming less popular. The innovative puncture technique is gaining prominence due to its minimal skin damage and ability to create channels that align with the natural direction of hair growth.


Puncture technique involving the use of a sapphire needle with an extractor

The puncture technique, which incorporates the use of a sapphire needle with an extractor, is employed at our clinic. In this method, incisions are created using a thin surgical scalpel in the areas where the hair follicles will be transplanted.

By combining incisions of 2-5 mm in length, the total length of incisions for transplanting 4000 follicles can range from 8-20 meters. The recovery period and the presence of scars after the surgery are directly influenced by the number of incisions made. It's important to note that the incisions themselves can potentially have a negative impact on healthy hair follicles in the transplant area, potentially leading to tissue necrosis. Furthermore, due to the use of this method, a significant amount of fluid is required, which can result in swelling lasting for 7-10 days after the procedure.


Hair Follicle Transplant

The puncture technique in hair follicle transplantation offers several advantages, particularly in achieving a natural result. A key factor is the angle at which the hair follicles are transplanted. With the classical method, the incisions are larger than the follicles, making it difficult to achieve a natural angle of transplantation. This can result in the follicles moving or even falling out.

In contrast, the puncture technique using thin channels ensures that the transplanted hair follicles are placed at a natural angle and remain fixed in position. The angle cannot be changed after transplantation, which contributes to a more natural appearance. Furthermore, the use of small channels allows for high-density transplantation, with up to 40-50 follicles per 1 cm² of the scalp.

This technique is particularly beneficial for patients seeking a high-quality result with minimal risks, which is why they choose clinics like Plastic Surgery Turkey Group for their hair transplant procedures.

After the procedure, it is recommended to rest for one day before returning to normal activities. Hair growth from the transplanted follicles can typically be seen around three months after the procedure, with the full result becoming evident within one year.

By opting for our services, you can permanently resolve your hair transplant concerns and achieve a natural-looking result.

Before / after


Frequently asked questions

  • What are the differences between the main methods of hair transplant? Which one is suit me?

    Hair transplant methods differ in the way the donor material is taken. With the FUT (or Strip method), it is taken from the occipital part of the head from a flap of skin. Grafts for transplantation are formed from it. After the operation, a thin thread-like scar will remain on the back of your head.

    FUE - seamless method - is based on graft sampling using punch (a needle up to 0.8 mm in diameter is inserted into the mechanized tip). The donor material is implanted using an implant or a micropincet into the prepared channels.

    The FUT procedure is faster (3-4 hours), grafts are easier to isolate, follicles are damaged less often, the cost of the operation is lower.

    The FUE procedure lasts 8-10 hours, is less traumatic, practically leaves no traces on the skin, it is possible to get transplants not only from the back of the head, but also from other parts of the body, the recovery period after it is shorter.

    The method of transplantation is selected individually for each individual patient, taking into account his condition, the results of examinations and tests, the presence of contraindications.


    This is a fairly common phenomenon called shock loss, but there is nothing terrible about it. Transplantation is a stress for hair follicles. The process of shock loss begins 20-25 days after the operation. It lasts on average 2 months, less often 3. But after this period, the transplanted hair begins to grow back perfectly. When the 4th month ends, approximately 30% grows back, after six months - up to 50% of the transplanted hair. It grows 85-95% during the year. The stress reaction will definitely pass!


    With therapeutic methods for the treatment of hair loss, the result does not lend itself to accurate predictions. Therapy may not have an effect.

    Hair transplant is usually effective. Only the donor material of the patient is used, thus the possibility of rejection of the transplanted follicles is excluded. Once in new areas, they completely retain all the characteristics and properties (this phenomenon is called donor dominance). As a result, the hair grows in a new place in the same way as it grew in the previous one — it does not fall out, does not thin out and looks completely natural.


    The whole procedure of transplantation bears very little resemblance to a serious surgical intervention. Only local anesthesia is used, the doctor`s manipulations are absolutely painless. After the end of the local anesthetic, the patient has no pain. Unless on the first night after the procedure there will be slight discomfort.

    In order to exclude the appearance of pain and allow the patient to fully rest, he is prescribed for the first evening after the transplant to take conventional painkillers. There will be no need to accept them in the future.


    It is certainly possible to take grafts for transplantation from a third person, but this is completely pointless. In 99%, someone else`s hair is rejected. After all, not only hair is transplanted — they move to another organism along with hair follicles. The immune system perceives foreign follicles as foreign bodies and begins to attack them — this is its defense mechanism. The body begins to produce antibodies against foreign cells, which only accelerates the loss of foreign transplanted hair. To prevent this from happening, the patient would have to take special drugs that suppress the immune system. But their side effects make such operations unjustified.


    Not just possible, sometimes required! It happens that only hair transplant from the body is the only chance to restore hair for men. For many, especially if the form of baldness is extensive and progressing, there is not enough donor hair from the occipital part for a full-fledged transplantation. In this case, for a good transplant result, donor grafts are used not only from the head, but also from other parts of the body (these include the chin area, chest, back). Borrowing grafts does not leave any noticeable traces on the skin of the body, but they successfully help to cope with both androgenic and focal male baldness.


    When you have less their own hair, and there are no results of treatment from trichologists, or results do not satisfy you. Women lose their hair for many reasons - from diffuse (female-type) partial baldness, as a result of endocrine changes after childbirth and breastfeeding, due to menopause during hormonal restructuring of the body, after acute stress, as a result of taking certain medications.

    Perhaps a woman needs a hair transplant to hide scars, burns (scarring alopecia is called baldness at the site of such injuries — hair follicles die, and hair no longer grows there).

    Often, women themselves, in pursuit of fashion trends, contribute to thinning their hairstyles, "tormenting" their hair with frequent coloring, dreadlocks, tight weaving. In all these cases, hair transplant can save the day.


    Patients who have undergone hair transplant surgery dream of seeing the immediate result of the procedure. But this is still a surgical intervention, the healing period and the transition of hair from stress to the process of healthy growth take approximately 12 months. Most people experience a certain psychological discomfort when they go through the stage of the so-called shock loss of transplanted hair in 2-3 weeks after the procedure. But this is a completely natural process, and you should not be afraid of it. Immediately after it, the follicles will begin to regenerate, and the hair will grow monthly to a length of about 1.5 cm. Soon the growth cycle will normalize, by the end of the first postoperative year, the hair will grow thick and often — and will acquire an absolutely natural appearance.


    If there is an urgent need, then modern techniques used in transplantation allow the patient to lead an almost normal lifestyle the very next day, even go to work if you are not at all concerned about the issue of appearance. But you will have a normal, though not quite aesthetic appearance in 5-7 days after the intervention. After 7-10 days, slight redness and peeling of the skin will still be noticeable, but these crusts will peel off themselves in 2-3 days. After 10 days, almost all residual manifestations disappear after the intervention. The donor zone is overgrown in the usual mode, and on the 10th day it is no longer visible that grafts were taken from it.

    If you want to appear in society in a completely ordinary way so that others do not notice changes in your appearance, return to an active social life 7-10 days after the procedure.


    The hair in the transplant area is absolutely no different from the native hair, often experienced doctors do not notice that the hair transplant was performed. Using the seamless method there are no traces of surgical intervention in the donor area.

    Hair follicles are transplanted not "anyhow", but taking into account the exact angle and direction of hair growth - to create the most natural appearance. When manipulating, the finest and most accurate tools are used, leaving minimal traces. So you should not be afraid that the head will be scarred, and the hair will grow in different directions.


    Transplanted hair has a valuable feature — they are hormone-independent, that is, their vital activity does not depend on the influence of androgens (these hormones are engaged in the destruction of hair follicles). Your freshly planted hair will grow throughout your life, as normal hair should. They will not be susceptible to loss, because their follicles remain intact.


    For life. Transplanted hair that is not subject to the destructive effects of androgens on the hair follicles will not fall out, they do not even thin out. On the contrary, they will grow throughout the patient`s life. When you come to our clinic in Turkey, doctors who perform hair transplant operations give a guarantee of just such a result! At the same time, it is not necessary to diligently apply protective measures to the newfound hair. You will, as before, do whatever you want with your hair — cut, curl, style, dye.


    You have your own hair transplanted. They retain all the natural characteristics inherent in your hair: structure, elasticity, color, and a tendency to shine. After the final healing and recovery after surgery, they will need absolutely the same care that you used for hair before. If you have done haircuts, styling, coloring — all this will be available after the operation. No special care for transplanted hair is required, the same applies to regular medical examinations.


    You can talk about scars only as a part of the FUT method. It is quite effective, and it is actively used. If you undergo a transplant using this technique, the number and appearance of scars will depend on three factors. These are the size and number of strips of skin removed for graft removal, the quality of healing and the skill of a specialist. As a rule, skilled surgeons work in our clinic in Turkey, and after the intervention, a threadlike, almost imperceptible scar remains. If you want, you will completely hide it under the hair length of at least 5 mm.


    es, hair coloring is allowed and will not harm your new hairstyle, but on one condition: the transplanted hair and scalp have fully recovered after surgery. After transplantation by FUE, rehabilitation is faster compared to the FUT method, but the most cautious doctors recommend waiting 6 months. And it is advisable to use natural coloring agents. If in doubt, consult your doctor before coloring.


    Most often, the question about a high forehead is asked by male clients, either delicately masking the problem, or not realizing that they are observing the first signs of androgenic alopecia — this is the name of male pattern baldness (also found in women). Androgenetic alopecia usually begins with hair loss in the frontal area, then gradually the hair is lost and the area of the temples - the formation of bald spots begins. Then the crown area is exposed. In small manifestations, the recession of the hairline occurs in all male people — gradually, in the course of life. This type of baldness begins to progress on average after the age of 40.

    The transplant helps in this case, besides, the doctor prescribes drugs that prevent further hair loss and improve their nutrition.


    After the classical surgical method of facelift - circular facelift - there is a displacement of the hairline in the temporal areas: it can rise 2-5 cm. Many women are decidedly not satisfied with this result. A face devoid of a frame in the form of hair on the temples looks unnatural, it seems "doll-like", it is literally unpleasant for clients to look at themselves in the mirror. In these cases, hair follicle transplantation helps restore the natural hairline. So feel free to transplant, such operations are carried out, and with excellent effect.