Causes of gaps between teeth
If there is a space between the front teeth, in dental practice we are talking about a diastema. But interdental
slits are formed not only between the anterior units, but also in any other place on the lower or upper jaw.
intervals are called tremes.
The main causes of occurrence:
- heredity;
- slow growth and formation of central incisors;
- the papillae between the teeth are pronounced;
- pathological localization of dental units;
- injuries of the front teeth;
- late loss of baby teeth;
- incorrect localization of the labial frenulum;
- gum pathology;
- the presence of bad habits;
- super-complete dental units;
- microdentia (abnormally small size of one or more teeth);
- partial or complete absence of teeth.
Pathological changes will progress if there are problems with the roots of the teeth, orthodontic pathologies
develop. Also, a gap between the teeth can occur if a person often eats solid food, especially eats sunflower
What are the gaps between the teeth?
All interdental spaces may differ in etiology, localization and type of displacement. Types of diastema:
Symmetrical and asymmetrical. In most cases, the first type is diagnosed. With asymmetric localization, as a
only one incisor is displaced, the position of the second one remains correct.
Lateral deviation of the crowns. The roots have the correct position, only the coronary part of the teeth
As a rule, it occurs due to overcomplicity of teeth or bad habits.
Corpus lateral displacement. Both the root and the coronary part are rejected. It may occur due to
adentia, lower attachment of the frenulum, compaction of the middle seam on the bone tissue.
Medial inclination of the front teeth. The most difficult kind of diastema. The teeth deviate from the
position and unfold along the axis. The reason in most cases is super-component teeth or the presence of a
tumor in the jaw bone.
Gaps between teeth can be false or true, depending on whether the teeth are milk or permanent. False gaps
teeth are diagnosed in childhood, they usually go away by themselves when the teeth change to permanent ones.
gaps appear between permanent teeth. Dental care is needed to eliminate them. A qualified doctor will select the
best method to correct the existing defect.
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Options for correcting gaps between teeth
To eliminate the problem in dental practice, different methods are used. Each of them has its own
advantages and disadvantages, so only a dentist can make a choice individually.
Veneers and luminaires
If you put veneers on your teeth, you can close the gap between your teeth. Reliable materials are used for
manufacture. Competent color selection makes them invisible in the dentition. Veneers do not cause allergic
reactions. But the use of this technique does not eliminate the gap between the teeth forever. They serve up to
years, after which they need to be replaced. Teeth are ground before installation.
To date, almost everyone has access to luminaires, the price for 1 tooth is more attractive than ever. They are
similar to veneers. The orthopedic pad is fixed on the surface of the central teeth, as a result of which the
will be hidden. According to aesthetic indications, they are better than veneers, especially since the dental
implants prices is acceptable. Teeth grinding is not required before installation. The service life is about 20
The most popular method of eliminating orthodontic problems, including diastema. They are highly effective and
be used at any age. When wearing braces, it is necessary to visit a dentist for a routine examination. It is
forbidden to remove the system yourself.
When the main treatment is completed, the doctor will prescribe mouth guards or plates so that the teeth do not
return to their original position.
Non-removable orthopedic structures that completely cover the dental unit. They can be made of ceramics,
metal. They are invisible in the dentition, can be installed even in cases when the tooth is destroyed by 60%.
service life is 10-20 years. Before installing the crown, the tooth must be sharpened.
Non-removable structures for prosthetics of teeth, if space has arisen due to their absence. The implant
the roots of the tooth, penetrating into the jaw bone. This method allows you to completely restore the
and functions of the crown of the incisor. The service life of the incisor is long, it is invisible in the
and does not harm a person.
If the space is small, the solution may be cosmetic correction, during which a small seal is applied between the
teeth. This allows you to visually eliminate the problem, quickly achieve the desired result.
The seal is only a temporary solution to the problem. The service life is 5-7 years, gradually the color begins
change and becomes visible in the dentition. It is also possible to develop a carious process at the junction of
teeth, and constant monitoring of the load on the front incisors during meals is also required.
Artistic restoration
During the procedure, the tissues of the front teeth are increased, for which composite materials are used,
harden under the influence of an ultraviolet lamp. The effect of such a correction is long-lasting. Artistic
restoration has no contraindications, allows you to get a quick result.
Surgical plastic surgery
If the position of the frenulum is incorrect, a small operation is performed, after which the distance between
teeth is reduced, the incisors will return to their normal position. To consolidate the result, the doctor will
select a removable orthodontic structure.
To get rid of this problem, it is necessary to choose a well-chosen treatment and strictly follow the doctor`s
instructions. If the dentist prescribes wearing braces or surgery, then you need to follow his recommendations.
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