How Hormones and Genes Affect Hair Loss
Most men are prone to alopecia. But it is expressed differently by everyone. Some people begin to actively lose
their hair when they turn a little over 20 years old, while others have thinning hair only by the age of 50. It
to do with genetics.
Several genes are responsible for the connection of male hormone and hair follicles. The more similar genes that
provoke hair loss a man has received, the earlier and more he will begin to go bald. Such heredity is
not only from the father, but also from the mother. Genes cannot be changed. Therefore, you can only prepare for
loss of hair, but not prevent it. Genetic predisposition to loss of curls occurs in most men with alopecia.
Hormones affect the condition of the hair. Numerous studies have been conducted that have shown that balding men
have high levels of dihydrotestosterone. It can be lowered by slowing down the process of baldness. However,
will harm the body. This will provoke a decrease in libido. Therefore, hair transplantation is carried out more
often, the hair transplant Turkey cost of which justifies a high-quality, effective result.
The relationship between baldness and medical diseases
Hair loss often occurs due to background pathologies. This can be both a symptom of the disease and its
Thyroid pathology, some forms of anemia, hypertension and arthritis can lead to baldness.
Oncological diseases lead to alopecia. As a rule, this is the result of chemotherapy or radiation. Some strong
medications can cause hair loss. The problem is temporary. Baldness may continue after taking the medication for
some more time. But then the structure of the hair and its growth should be restored.
Baldness and stress
Those who suffer from serious stress often begin to lose their hair. This is due to the fact that in a situation
strong tension, the hair follicles go into a resting phase. Therefore, the hair simply does not have time to
quickly. As a result, a person loses more hair than he gets.
Stress can also provoke chronic pathologies, the symptom of which is excessive loss of curls. Regular stay in
tension leads to disruption and loss of nutrition of the follicles.
It should be understood that the active phase of hair loss does not manifest itself at the time of severe
but a couple of months after it. Therefore, sometimes it can be difficult to identify this cause.
Hair loss due to infections
Alopecia is provoked by various diseases of an infectious nature. One of the most common of them is ringworm.
hair looks broken off, as if it was cut short. It does not spread evenly over the entire head, but in the form
foci. To solve the problem, you need to consult a doctor. He will prescribe suitable medications for the
of the disease. After recovery, the hair is restored.
Among the infectious pathologies leading to baldness, there may be eczema, microsporia, various allergic
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Focal alopecia: the link between immunity and baldness
Severe hair loss in men occurs due to a malfunction in the immune system. A characteristic feature is a focal
lesion. Baldness is uneven, occurs in certain areas on the head, for example, on the temples, in the forehead
Among the autoimmune diseases that provoke such problems, it is worth noting lupus, scleroderma.
Focal alopecia indicates disorders in the body associated with immunity. Hair follicles have a special
With problems in the immune system, they begin to be perceived by the body as outsiders. They are displaced from
skin, which leads to baldness. Men suffer from such hair loss more often than women.
Sometimes, after successful treatment, the follicles are restored and the hair begins to grow again.
It is worth remembering that the lack of some vitamins also provokes a deterioration in the growth of curls.
Especially if a person adheres to strict diets, depriving the body of useful substances. As a result, the
are deprived of proper nutrition, weaken and fall out.
Traumatic alopecia
One of the varieties is trichotillomania. It is characterized by the appearance of an uncontrollable desire in a
person to pull out his own hair. This leads to damage to the follicles and the curls stop growing. As a result,
alopecia becomes chronic, which leads to complete baldness.
Also, hair loss can provoke various physical injuries.
Baldness in men: myths
One of the ways to solve this problem is hair transplant reviews Turkey which testify to the
successful restoration
of the hair. But there are many myths associated with the causes that lead to baldness. Among them:
Frequent shampooing and blow-drying will lead to hair loss. The follicles are located under the skin. It is
injury that leads to baldness. Neither washing the hair nor drying it affects the follicles. Abuse of a hair
incorrectly selected shampoos, conditioners will only lead to deterioration of the structure of curls, their
appearance. But it does not cause loss;
Constant combing, certain types of hairstyles provoke the development of alopecia. In fact, the described
factors do
not cause total baldness. If a person regularly makes a tight ponytail that tightens the curls, then this
provoke their weakening and lead to loss. The same situation occurs if you brush your hair carelessly,
pulling your
hair. A person pulls out his hair on his own, which leads to their loss. But the follicles are not damaged.
If you
stop treating your hair carelessly, they will grow as usual;
Special shampoos help with alopecia. Thats not so. The thing is that the shampoo affects the scalp for too
time. Therefore, a person does not get the promised effect. It is better to use special sprays and masks
that do not
need to be washed off. However, their effect will be only in the early stages of pathology. Remember that
eliminating the cause of baldness, it is impossible to cope with it;
Folk remedies are effective for baldness. The most common mask against hair loss is the one containing onion
garlic. Folk remedies have benefits, but only as a preventive measure. It is useless to treat alopecia in
such ways;
Wearing a hat, hats provokes baldness. In fact, this is not true. Hats put some pressure on the head. But it
is not
enough to lead to such problems. Caps do not damage hair follicles. Even if hair remains on the headdress,
this is a
normal phenomenon. After all, a person loses up to 100 hairs during the day. The main thing is to properly
take care
of the hats. If they are not washed, they can provoke irritation of the scalp, the development of infectious
diseases, which in turn will lead to partial or complete baldness;
Alopecia is not treated. This is not entirely true. There are many reasons for baldness. Therefore,
depends on the factors that provoked hair loss. One of the most effective ways to get rid of baldness is
follicle transplantation.
The hair transplant procedure remains the most qualitative method of restoring the hairstyle. It is safe, and if
the recommendations are followed, recovery occurs quickly. Hair transplant price for men Turkey
2021 fully justifies
the effective result.
Alopecia in men is much more common than in women. Many already notice the first signs of baldness by the age of
30-35. There are quite a lot of reasons provoking such a condition. It can be a genetic predisposition, health
problems, physical injuries. To cope with the problem, it is necessary to find its cause and eliminate it. You
get rid of a cosmetic defect in the form of a bald spot with the help of hair transplantation.
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