Liposuction without pain is possible with different types of anesthesia
Everyone wants to look perfect. Many people turn to plastic surgery centers in Turkey to do best liposuction of the sides and get graceful contours of the body.
18 minutes
Everyone wants to look perfect. Many people turn to plastic surgery centers in Turkey to do best liposuction of the sides and get graceful contours of the body.
Any doctor knows how important it is to choose anesthesia correctly and correctly, because in the future, with the wrong action of an anesthesiologist, a person can get serious complications.
On a note! Liposuction anesthesia protects the patient from pain, relieves pain shock. There is no discomfort with it during the removal of fat deposits.
Here are 3 common types of anesthesia:
In each case, the attending physician personally discusses with the patient the type of anesthesia. Of course, the key decision is made by the doctor together with the anesthesiologist. The location of the fat sac on the body, the psychoemotional state of a person, his health and the amount of non surgical stomach fat removal can be crucial for love handles lipo.
Local anesthesia involves pricking the desired area with lidocaine, novocaine, margarine, etc., the result is achieved due to the cessation of impulses along nerve fibers or blockade of receptors.
Local anesthesia is classified as:
Local anesthesia practically does not carry any health risks. Some people claim to be allergic to lidocaine and epinephrine because their heart rate increases. But, in fact, this is a normal and short-lived reaction of the body.
But pregnant women or nursing mothers, before going for liposuction, should consult with a gynecologist-obstetrician. Some doctors strongly recommend (if it is not urgent) to refrain from any plastic surgery for a while, so as not to risk the health of the baby or mom. Even if the operation will be done under local anesthesia.
When best liposuction is performed in the abdomen or any lower part of the body, doctors use epidural anesthesia. The anesthetic is injected into the epidural space near the dura mater or the pouch around the spine. This action allows you to numb the abdomen, groin area or legs. The patient loses pain, general sensitivity (analgesia and anesthesia), and his muscles are completely relaxed (muscle relaxation).
With "epidural", anesthetics such as lidocaine, bupivacaine, ropivacaine are often used. To enhance the effect of local anesthesia, opiates are often added (for example, morphine, fentanyl). Usually the dose is 1-2 ml of solution for each segment of the spinal cord, but the exact dosage depends on many factors. For example, the concentration or volume of the injected local anesthetic.
Helps to relax. It is indicated at elevated pressure (leads to a decrease). It is better to administer narcotic drugs (promedol). It can be used as an additional measure for general anesthesia.
In addition, a contraindication to this method of anesthesia is:
In some cases, epidural anesthesia is performed during interventions on the chest, in combination with other types of anesthetics. Operations with it on the hands or neck are carried out extremely rarely, and manipulations on the head are not possible at all.
However, after the anesthesia method under consideration, the patient can undergo long-term rehabilitation in a hospital. The success of this procedure depends on the skill of the anesthesiologist. But do not worry too much, doctors can be trusted!
General anesthesia is characterized by a state of central nervous system inhibition. The depth of anesthesia depends on the dose given, the stage of the operation and the condition of the person. It can be administered intravenously, by inhalation or by combined methods.
Basically, local anesthesia is applied during prolonged operations that require minimal movements on the part of the patient on the operating table. Doctors often choose him because a person`s breathing is controlled and he can be given medications at any time. This method is safe!
Only general anesthesia is used in one intervention – abdominoplasty. It requires a long time, a large area of anesthesia and a patient lying still (even a small movement can distract the doctor).
The most common complications after general anesthesia include: headache (dizziness), nausea, vomiting, sore throat, muscle pain and confusion. It is very rare to meet a lucky person who has gone through this method of anesthesia without side effects!
Although, even if these symptoms appear, they pass quickly and do not cause harm to health.
Liposuction is impossible to imagine without anesthesia when non-surgical liposuction of the abdomen. The patient only has to tell his preferences to the doctor and, if possible, he takes into account the wishes. After all, it is the doctor who, depending on the situation, decides which anesthesia to apply, in what dose, whether to combine with sedation...
Justified non-surgical liposuction of the abdomen or other problem area with excess fat is possible with the help of some hardware methods. For example, using a laser to correct the waist area, decollete or reduce the volume of the hips, buttocks. The injection effect helps to get elastic and tightened skin, correct the contour. The ultrasonic method is similar to the laser method. It has an effect on adipose tissue, but does not damage cells. And another method has become widespread – cryolipolysis. Due to the effect of low temperatures, subcutaneous fat is destroyed.
Each of the above methods has its positive and negative sides, and also has contraindications. Perhaps someone would rather consider these inexpensive methods of liposuction than plastic surgery.
If the decision on best liposuction is made, then the patient can only prepare for surgery. When talking to a doctor, it is important to discuss the type of anesthesia used. Definitely, the choice of anesthesia is influenced by the technique of liposuction, the area, the characteristics of the patient. If the anesthesiologist performed everything correctly (with local anesthesia), then the discomfort during the operation will be minimal. The best liposuction can only be done by an experienced, highly qualified doctor. And you need to remember: if you want to protect yourself and get a good result at the same time, then anesthesia is necessary during liposuction!
We wish you good health!
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