
360 Liposuction, also known as circumferential liposuction, is a body contouring procedure. It involves removing excess fat from multiple areas of the midsection to create a more balanced and proportionate figure. This technique targets the abdomen, waist, flanks (love handles), and back, offering a full circumferential improvement. This approach allows for a more uniform and seamless transformation, as it addresses all angles of the midsection.

It is ideal for individuals looking for a change in their body contour. It is especially effective for patients who have not achieved desired results through diet and exercise alone. The procedure involves the use of advanced techniques (tumescent, ultrasound-assisted or laser-assisted methods). Recovery times vary, but patients usually return to normal activities within a few weeks.

Techniques of 360 Liposuction include:

  • Tumescent Liposuction: This method involves injecting a solution into the fatty areas before fat removal, reducing blood loss and providing anesthesia.
  • Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL): It uses ultrasound vibrations to liquefy fat, making it easier to remove.
  • Laser-Assisted Liposuction (LAL): This technique employs laser energy to melt the fat before it is suctioned out.
  • Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL): It uses a mechanized cannula to break up fat more efficiently.
  • Vaser Liposuction: A form of UAL, Vaser uses targeted ultrasound energy to selectively remove fat while preserving surrounding tissues.

360 Liposuction typically targets several zones around the midsection for a comprehensive contouring effect. These zones include:

  • Abdomen: Frontal belly area, both upper and lower parts.
  • Waist: The sides of the torso, often targeting love handles.
  • Flanks: Areas extending towards the back from the waist.
  • Lower Back: The lower portion of the back, often including 'bra fat' areas.
  • Upper Back: The area around and above the waist on the back.

360 Liposuction, also known as circumferential liposuction, is a body contouring procedure. It involves removing excess fat from multiple areas of the midsection to create a more balanced and proportionate figure. This technique targets the abdomen, waist, flanks (love handles), and back, offering a full circumferential improvement. This approach allows for a more uniform and seamless transformation, as it addresses all angles of the midsection.

It is ideal for individuals looking for a change in their body contour. It is especially effective for patients who have not achieved desired results through diet and exercise alone. The procedure involves the use of advanced techniques (tumescent, ultrasound-assisted or laser-assisted methods). Recovery times vary, but patients usually return to normal activities within a few weeks.

Techniques of 360 Liposuction include:

  • Tumescent Liposuction: This method involves injecting a solution into the fatty areas before fat removal, reducing blood loss and providing anesthesia.
  • Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL): It uses ultrasound vibrations to liquefy fat, making it easier to remove.
  • Laser-Assisted Liposuction (LAL): This technique employs laser energy to melt the fat before it is suctioned out.
  • Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL): It uses a mechanized cannula to break up fat more efficiently.
  • Vaser Liposuction: A form of UAL, Vaser uses targeted ultrasound energy to selectively remove fat while preserving surrounding tissues.

360 Liposuction typically targets several zones around the midsection for a comprehensive contouring effect. These zones include:

  • Abdomen: Frontal belly area, both upper and lower parts.
  • Waist: The sides of the torso, often targeting love handles.
  • Flanks: Areas extending towards the back from the waist.
  • Lower Back: The lower portion of the back, often including 'bra fat' areas.
  • Upper Back: The area around and above the waist on the back.


Successful operation


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Why Choose Plastic Surgery Turkey Group?

Specialization in 360 Lipo Technique

Our surgeons have specific expertise in 360 lipo and provide a body contouring solution that targets multiple areas for a harmonious result.

Advanced Technology

We use the latest liposuction technology and offer a less invasive approach with effective outcomes and faster recovery.

Tailored Treatment

Each 360 lipo procedure meets the patient's individual body goals for natural contours, balanced and aesthetically pleasing results.

All-Inclusive Patient Care

Our clinic provides a full spectrum of services to support patients through their entire journey.

Competitive Costs

We offer the 360 lipo procedure at a competitive price, balancing affordability with high-quality treatment for optimal patient satisfaction.

Advanced Surgical Facilities

Our hospital is equipped with the latest medical technology and facilities. We guarantee the highest standards of safety and comfort for patients during their procedures.

High Satisfaction and Safety Standards

We maintain a high rate of patient satisfaction and adhere to stringent safety protocols.

Support for International Patients

The clinic provides extensive support services, including help with travel, accommodation and language barriers.

Reviews from Our Customers

Check out the reviews from our clients who got their dream figure and were satisfied with the affordable liposuction costs in Turkey. You can find more on our Instagram, including mega liposuction before and after photos.




Maggie Younan







Anna Maria Nıcoleta Cıuta


Marina Azer






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Time Spent in Turkey5 Days
Duration of the Operation3 Hours
AnesthesiaGeneral anesthesia
Expected Results6 Months
Recovery Time5 Days

Stages of Surgery

First Day


Patients are met at the airport and taken to the hotel. There they can relax and acclimatize to the new country before their 360 liposuction.


First Day

Patients are met at the airport and taken to the hotel. There they can relax and acclimatize to the new country before their 360 liposuction.


Second-Third Day


Patients have a consultation with the surgeon about the 360 Lipo procedure, discuss their expectations and pre-operative care. Necessary medical check-ups are performed to make sure that the patient is ready for the surgery. Then the surgical procedure is carried out and an immediate post-surgery care is provided in the Turkish clinic.


Second-Third Day

Patients have a consultation with the surgeon about the 360 Lipo procedure, discuss their expectations and pre-operative care. Necessary medical check-ups are performed to make sure that the patient is ready for the surgery. Then the surgical procedure is carried out and an immediate post-surgery care is provided in the Turkish clinic.


Fifth-Seventh Day


A time of recovery with focus on rest and post-operative instructions. Depending on the progress of healing, patients may engage in light activities. The surgeon discusses with the patient a final check-up and post-operative care for returning home. If it is allowed, the patient may prepare for the flight back home or stay in Turkey for a while for its exploration.


Fifth-Seventh Day

A time of recovery with focus on rest and post-operative instructions. Depending on the progress of healing, patients may engage in light activities. The surgeon discusses with the patient a final check-up and post-operative care for returning home. If it is allowed, the patient may prepare for the flight back home or stay in Turkey for a while for its exploration.


Description of the Procedure


Preparation for 360 Liposuction

Preparing for Liposuction 360 in Turkey involves specific steps to ensure a safe and effective procedure.

The process starts with a thorough consultation with a plastic surgeon. During this stage, the surgeon evaluates the patient's body, discusses their goals, and determines the areas to be targeted. This could include the abdomen, waist, flanks, lower and upper back. After that you need to do following things:

  • Medical Evaluation: Undergo a thorough medical check-up to ensure suitability for the procedure.
  • Medication Management: Adjust or discontinue certain medications as advised by your surgeon.
  • Smoking and Alcohol: Quit smoking and avoid alcohol as they can affect recovery.
  • Nutrition and Hydration: Maintain a healthy diet and stay well-hydrated.


Performing 360 Liposuction

Once the patient is brought into the operating room, anesthesia is administered based on the specific area being treated. In some cases, local anesthesia may be sufficient, while general anesthesia is utilized for sequential liposuction across multiple zones.

360 Liposuction is performed under general anesthesia or IV sedation to ensure the patient's comfort throughout the procedure. The surgeon makes small, discreet incisions in the targeted areas. These incisions are typically just a few millimeters long and are placed strategically to minimize visible scarring.

A cannula (a thin tube) is inserted through the incisions. The surgeon uses the cannula to dislodge and suction out fat from the targeted areas. Techniques like tumescent liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL), or laser-assisted liposuction (LAL) may be used to break down the fat cells more effectively and enhance skin contraction post-surgery.

As the fat is removed, the surgeon carefully sculpts the area to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing and natural-looking contour. The aim is to create a transition between the treated areas for a 360-degree improvement.

Once the desired amount of fat is removed and the areas are sculpted, the incisions are closed with sutures. In some cases, drains may be placed to remove excess fluid and reduce swelling.


Recovery after 360 Liposuction

First 24 Hours- Immediate rest - Mild to moderate pain, managed with medication - Possible nausea from anesthesia
First Week- Significant swelling and bruising - Wearing compression garments as advised - Limited physical activity; no strenuous exercise
2 Weeks- Reduction in swelling and bruising - Gradual return to light activities - Compression garment still worn for support
1 Month- Majority of swelling subsided - Noticeable improvements in body contour - Return to most normal activities
3 Months- Final results start to become more apparent - Swelling should have largely resolved - Full return to exercise and strenuous activities
6 Months and Beyond- Full results visible - Long-term maintenance of new body shape

Frequently asked questions


    Typically, the procedure can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours. This duration depends on various factors, such as the amount of fat to be removed and the number of areas being treated. The surgeon uses advanced techniques to ensure precise fat removal for optimal results.

    Recovery varies from patient to patient, but generally, most people can resume normal activities within 2 to 3 weeks post-surgery. It's important to follow all post-operative instructions for optimal healing. The full results of the surgery, including final contouring and reduction of swelling, may take several months to become fully visible.


    Turkey stands out for its combination of affordable prices, high-quality medical care, and experienced surgeons.

    Our clinic is equipped with the latest technologies, and surgeons often have international training and experience. Additionally, the hospitality and all-inclusive care packages offered to international patients make Turkey a highly attractive destination for cosmetic procedures.


    The results of 360 Liposuction surgery are generally long-lasting, provided you maintain a stable weight post-procedure. This surgery effectively removes fat cells from the targeted areas around your midsection, and these cells do not regenerate.

    However, it's important to understand that while the removed fat cells won't come back, the remaining fat cells in your body can still expand if you gain weight. Therefore, the permanence of your liposuction results largely depends on your lifestyle choices post-surgery. Maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise routine is important to sustain your new body contours.


    Post-operative discomfort, swelling, and bruising are common but are generally manageable with medications. The level of pain experienced can vary, but most patients find it tolerable and temporary. Following the surgeon’s guidelines can greatly aid in managing and reducing post-surgery pain.


    Yes, you can. Combining lipo 360 with other cosmetic surgeries like abdominoplasty or breast augmentation is quite common in Turkey. This approach can maximize the transformation and reduce overall recovery time compared to having multiple separate surgeries.