
Vaser Liposuction (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance liposuction) is an advanced body contouring procedure. It differs from traditional liposuction in its use of ultrasonic technology to target fat cells.

The best Vaser Liposuction in Turkey involves making small incisions through which a thin probe is inserted. The probe emits ultrasonic energy to liquefy the fat cells, which are then suctioned out. This minimally invasive technique leads to less trauma to the surrounding tissues.

Vaser Liposuction provides surgeons with a higher degree of control, allowing for more precise sculpting and contouring of the body. It's particularly effective for defining and enhancing muscles.

Due to its less invasive nature, the recovery time for Vaser Liposuction is typically shorter than traditional liposuction. Patients experience less discomfort and quicker recovery.

Vaser Liposuction surgery, performed by our qualified and experienced surgeon, has a good safety profile. As with any surgical procedure, there are risks, but the targeted approach of Vaser Liposuction minimizes many of the risks associated with traditional liposuction.

Vaser Liposuction can be applied to various zones of the body where stubborn fat deposits are often found:

  • Abdomen: One of the most popular areas for Vaser Liposuction. It's effective in removing fat from the upper and lower abdomen, helping to create a flatter, more toned stomach.
  • Waist and Flanks: This procedure can effectively target the waist and love handles (flanks), helping to create a more defined waistline.
  • Thighs: Both the inner and outer thighs can be treated, which can help in achieving a more proportionate leg contour and reducing the appearance of "saddlebags."
  • Buttocks: Vaser Liposuction can be used to contour and reshape the buttocks, enhancing its overall shape and size.
  • Arms: This procedure is effective in treating upper arm fat, commonly known as "bingo wings," helping to create a more toned and defined appearance.
  • Back: It can be used to reduce fat deposits on the upper and lower back, including areas around the bra line that can be difficult to target with diet and exercise alone.
  • Chest: In men, Vaser Liposuction can be used to treat gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts) by removing excess fat tissue from the chest area.
  • Neck and Chin: The procedure can also be effective in removing excess fat from under the chin and neck, improving the jawline and profile.
  • Knees and Ankles: Vaser Liposuction can be used to treat areas where fat accumulation can be difficult to reduce through other means.

Vaser Liposuction (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance liposuction) is an advanced body contouring procedure. It differs from traditional liposuction in its use of ultrasonic technology to target fat cells.

The best Vaser Liposuction in Turkey involves making small incisions through which a thin probe is inserted. The probe emits ultrasonic energy to liquefy the fat cells, which are then suctioned out. This minimally invasive technique leads to less trauma to the surrounding tissues.

Vaser Liposuction provides surgeons with a higher degree of control, allowing for more precise sculpting and contouring of the body. It's particularly effective for defining and enhancing muscles.

Due to its less invasive nature, the recovery time for Vaser Liposuction is typically shorter than traditional liposuction. Patients experience less discomfort and quicker recovery.

Vaser Liposuction surgery, performed by our qualified and experienced surgeon, has a good safety profile. As with any surgical procedure, there are risks, but the targeted approach of Vaser Liposuction minimizes many of the risks associated with traditional liposuction.

Vaser Liposuction can be applied to various zones of the body where stubborn fat deposits are often found:

  • Abdomen: One of the most popular areas for Vaser Liposuction. It's effective in removing fat from the upper and lower abdomen, helping to create a flatter, more toned stomach.
  • Waist and Flanks: This procedure can effectively target the waist and love handles (flanks), helping to create a more defined waistline.
  • Thighs: Both the inner and outer thighs can be treated, which can help in achieving a more proportionate leg contour and reducing the appearance of "saddlebags."
  • Buttocks: Vaser Liposuction can be used to contour and reshape the buttocks, enhancing its overall shape and size.
  • Arms: This procedure is effective in treating upper arm fat, commonly known as "bingo wings," helping to create a more toned and defined appearance.
  • Back: It can be used to reduce fat deposits on the upper and lower back, including areas around the bra line that can be difficult to target with diet and exercise alone.
  • Chest: In men, Vaser Liposuction can be used to treat gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts) by removing excess fat tissue from the chest area.
  • Neck and Chin: The procedure can also be effective in removing excess fat from under the chin and neck, improving the jawline and profile.
  • Knees and Ankles: Vaser Liposuction can be used to treat areas where fat accumulation can be difficult to reduce through other means.


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Why Choose Plastic Surgery Turkey Group?

Advanced Vaser Technology

We utilize the latest Vaser liposuction technology, which is less invasive, promotes faster recovery, and provides precise body contouring.

Expert Surgeons

Our team includes surgeons who specialize in Vaser liposuction. All of them have a high level of expertise and great experience.

Personalized Treatment Plans

Each patient receives a customized treatment plan tailored to their body type and desired outcomes.

High Patient Satisfaction Rates

A track record of high patient satisfaction with a high standard of care and successful outcomes.

All-Inclusive Care Package

We offer packages that include pre-surgery consultation, post-operative follow-up, supportive care throughout the recovery process, dining and translating services.

Competitive Pricing

Vaser liposuction services in our clinic are competitive without compromising on quality. It is a cost-effective option for patients.

Advanced Facility

Our clinic is equipped with modern facilities and comfortable amenities for the best overall patient experience.

International Patient Support

We will help with assistance with travel arrangements, accommodation and language support for a hassle-free experience.

Reviews from Our Customers

Check out the reviews from our clients who got their dream figure and were satisfied with the affordable liposuction costs in Turkey. You can find more on our Instagram, including mega liposuction before and after photos.




Maggie Younan







Anna Maria Nıcoleta Cıuta


Marina Azer






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Time Spent in Turkey5 Days
Duration of the Operation3 Hours
AnesthesiaGeneral anesthesia
Expected Results6 Months
Recovery Time5 Days

Stages of Surgery

First Day


Patients are greeted at the airport and taken to their accommodation. The day is generally reserved for rest and adjusting to the new environment.


First Day

Patients are greeted at the airport and taken to their accommodation. The day is generally reserved for rest and adjusting to the new environment.


Second-Third Day


A consultation with the surgeon to discuss the procedure, expectations and any pre-surgery instructions. Necessary medical tests and evaluations to ensure patient readiness for surgery are taken. Then patients are admitted to the clinic where the surgery will take place. It is performed using advanced Vaser technology. Immediate post-operative care is provided in the clinic.


Second-Third Day

A consultation with the surgeon to discuss the procedure, expectations and any pre-surgery instructions. Necessary medical tests and evaluations to ensure patient readiness for surgery are taken. Then patients are admitted to the clinic where the surgery will take place. It is performed using advanced Vaser technology. Immediate post-operative care is provided in the clinic.


Fourth-Fifth Day


A time for rest and recovery, it is spent in the clinic or at the accommodation with medical staff available for any assistance or care. A final check-up with the surgeon to ensure proper healing and to discuss post-operative care after returning home. If patients do not have any problems after the surgery, they are provided with transportation from their accommodation to the airport to fly home.


Fourth-Fifth Day

A time for rest and recovery, it is spent in the clinic or at the accommodation with medical staff available for any assistance or care. A final check-up with the surgeon to ensure proper healing and to discuss post-operative care after returning home. If patients do not have any problems after the surgery, they are provided with transportation from their accommodation to the airport to fly home.


Description of the Procedure


Preparation for Vaser Liposuction

Preparing for Vaser Liposuction procedure is important for a smooth procedure and optimal recovery. It helps minimize the risk of complications. Here are key steps and guidelines to follow:

  • Medical Evaluation: Undergo a comprehensive medical check-up. This might include blood tests, and in some cases, a cardiac evaluation to ensure you are fit for surgery.
  • Discuss Medications: Inform your surgeon about all medications, supplements, and herbal remedies you are taking. Certain medications like aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements can increase bleeding risk and may need to be stopped before surgery.
  • Smoking and Alcohol: Quit smoking at least a few weeks before the procedure, as smoking can significantly hinder healing and increase the risk of complications. Also, avoid alcohol for at least a week before your surgery.
  • Balanced Diet: Maintain a healthy, balanced diet. Proper nutrition aids in recovery. Focus on consuming lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.


Performing Vaser Liposuction

Vaser Liposuction is a detailed and advanced cosmetic procedure. The process begins with a detailed consultation. The surgeon assesses the patient's health, discusses their goals, and determines the suitability of the procedure. The areas to be treated are marked and a personalized treatment plan is created.

On the day of the procedure, the patient undergoes pre-operative preparations, including cleansing the target areas and administering anesthesia. Vaser Liposuction can be performed under local anesthesia, sedation, or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the procedure and patient comfort.

Then small incisions, typically a few millimeters in length, are made in the targeted areas. These incisions are strategically placed to be as inconspicuous as possible. A tumescent fluid, which is a saline solution mixed with anesthetic and medication to minimize bleeding, is infused into the targeted areas.

Ultrasonic probes are then inserted through the incisions. These probes emit ultrasonic sound waves to gently break apart and liquefy the fat cells without damaging surrounding tissues. The ultrasonic energy specifically targets fat cells, causing them to vibrate and break down into a liquid state, while preserving important connective tissues, blood vessels, and nerves.

Once the fat is emulsified, it is removed from the body using a gentle suction technique. This allows for precise removal of fat, enhancing body contouring and reducing trauma to the treated area. The incisions are then closed, often with small sutures, and dressings are applied. In some cases, small drains may be placed to remove excess fluid.


Recovery after Vaser Liposuction

Recovery from Vaser Liposuction, like any surgical procedure, varies from person to person, but there is a general timeline and set of guidelines that most patients can expect to follow.

Immediate Post-Operative Period (First 24-72 Hours)Rest: Allow your body to start healing. You may experience some pain, swelling, and bruising, which is normal. Compression Garments: You'll be required to wear compression garments to help reduce swelling and support the treated areas. Limited Activity: Avoid strenuous activities.
First WeekPain Management: Any pain or discomfort can usually be managed with prescribed pain relievers. Return to Non-Strenuous Work: Many patients can return to work, provided it's not physically demanding.
Two to Four WeeksReduced Swelling and Bruising: You will notice a decrease in swelling and bruising. Gradual Resumption of Activities: Light exercise may be resumed as advised by your surgeon.
One to Three MonthsVisible Results: The results of the liposuction will become more apparent as the swelling subsides.
Six Months and BeyondFinal Results: Most of the swelling will have subsided, and you should be able to see the final results of your procedure. Long-term Care: Maintain a healthy lifestyle to preserve the results.

Frequently asked questions


    Turkey has become a popular destination for various medical tourism procedures, including VASER liposuction, because of several factors:

    • Cost: Vaser Liposuction in Turkey costs less than in other Western countries. This can make it an attractive option for those looking to reduce expenses.
    • Quality of Care: Turkey has a number of highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeons. Many of these professionals have trained internationally and are accustomed to working with patients from different countries.
    • Advanced Medical Facilities: The country boasts modern medical facilities that are equipped with the latest technology, similar to what you would find in Western countries.
    • Tourism Opportunity: Combining the opportunity to explore a new country with Vaser Liposuction at prices in Turkey that are affordable for everyone is another reason people choose this country. It offers a rich cultural experience, historical sites, and scenic beauty.


    The recommended length of stay in Turkey (or any location) after undergoing VASER liposuction varies depending on several factors, including the extent of the procedure, areas of the body, your overall health, and the specific recommendations of your surgeon.

    While the minimum recommended time could be around 7-10 days, it's essential to plan for a flexible stay that can be extended if needed based on your recovery and your surgeon’s advice. Always prioritize your health and safety over travel convenience.

    We recommend you to discuss all possible options with our specialists. They will provide you with all the needed information.


    Vaser Liposuction uses ultrasonic technology to liquefy fat before removal, which can be less traumatic to surrounding tissues compared to traditional liposuction. This technique allows for more precise body contouring and typically results in a shorter recovery period. Patients often experience less pain and swelling, leading to a quicker recovery time. This is because the ultrasound technology targets only fat cells, sparing surrounding tissues.

    4D VASER liposuction in Turkey refers to a specialized form of VASER liposuction that focuses not only on removing fat but also on sculpting the body to enhance the underlying musculature and contours of muscles during movement. This technique is often sought for more advanced body shaping goals.

    You may also choose VASER Hi-Def Liposuction in Turkey. It refers to a highly specialized and advanced form of VASER liposuction. This technique goes beyond traditional liposuction to not only remove unwanted fat but also sculpt and define the underlying muscles for a more athletic, contoured appearance of the body at rest.

    Traditional Liposuction uses a cannula (a thin tube) and physical manipulation to break up fat cells, which are then suctioned out. The procedure often requires general anesthesia. Typically, recovery can be longer and more painful due to the more aggressive method of removing fat.


    Vaser liposuction, like any surgical procedure, carries potential risks and complications. It's important to be aware of these when considering the procedure. The risk of complications can be minimized by choosing an experienced surgeon and following pre- and post-operative care instructions.

    Here are some of the potential complications associated with Vaser liposuction:

    • Bruising and Swelling
    • Pain and Discomfort
    • Seroma Formation

    Vaser Liposuction is a simple procedure with minimal probability of complications. Just a few days in our clinic – and you will get a perfect body, getting rid of unpleasant fat forever. You can check out our clients' reviews and their Vaser Liposuction in Turkey before and after photos to have no doubts about the quality of aesthetic procedures in the country.


    Recovery time after cosmetic surgery of Vaser Liposuction varies but most patients resume normal activities within a few days to a week. Swelling and bruising are common, and wearing compression garments is typically recommended to support healing. Full recovery and final results might take several weeks to months.


    The fat cells removed via Vaser Liposuction are permanently eliminated. However, it's important to maintain a stable weight and healthy lifestyle to preserve the results, as the remaining fat cells can expand with weight gain. While the fat cells removed by VASER liposuction do not come back, the permanence of the results is also influenced by factors such as weight management, lifestyle, and natural aging processes. To maintain the best results, it's important to lead a healthy lifestyle and manage your weight effectively.