
An eyebrow lift (a forehead lift or browplasty) is a cosmetic procedure aimed at elevating drooping eyebrows. This surgical technique focuses on improving the appearance of the forehead, the brow area, and the area around the eyes.

It is often sought by people who want to reduce the signs of aging. Brow lift surgeries in Turkey are popular among men and women, who experience sagging brows or forehead wrinkles because of aging or genetics.

The procedure involves making small incisions along the hairline or in the forehead to adjust and tighten the underlying tissues and muscles. This process effectively lifts the brows, reduces wrinkles and frown lines, and opens up the eye area.

There are several methods for performing a forehead lift in Turkey. The choice depends on the patient's facial structure and the extent of the lift needed. Here are the most common methods:

  • Endoscopic Eyebrow Lift: This minimally invasive technique involves making several small incisions behind the hairline. A tiny camera (endoscope) is inserted through the incisions, allowing the surgeon to view the underlying tissues on a screen. An endoscopic brow lift in Turkey results in less scarring and a quicker recovery time.
  • Coronal Eyebrow Lift: In this traditional method, an incision is made from ear to ear across the top of the head, just behind the hairline. This technique can be effective for lifting but may result in more noticeable scarring and a longer recovery period.
  • Hairline Eyebrow Lift: This method involves an incision made between the top of the forehead and the beginning of the hairline. This approach is often chosen for patients with a high forehead, as it avoids raising the hairline further.
  • Temporal or Limited Incision Eyebrow Lift: Often used in conjunction with eyelid surgery, this technique involves slightly longer incisions than the endoscopic lift, made just above each temple behind the hairline. A temporal brow lift in Turkey allows for lifting the outer part of the eyebrows without addressing the central or medial areas.
  • Non-Surgical Eyebrow Lift: Non-surgical methods like Botox, dermal fillers or thread lifts can be used. While less invasive, these methods offer temporary results compared to surgical options.

An eyebrow lift (a forehead lift or browplasty) is a cosmetic procedure aimed at elevating drooping eyebrows. This surgical technique focuses on improving the appearance of the forehead, the brow area, and the area around the eyes.

It is often sought by people who want to reduce the signs of aging. Brow lift surgeries in Turkey are popular among men and women, who experience sagging brows or forehead wrinkles because of aging or genetics.

The procedure involves making small incisions along the hairline or in the forehead to adjust and tighten the underlying tissues and muscles. This process effectively lifts the brows, reduces wrinkles and frown lines, and opens up the eye area.

There are several methods for performing a forehead lift in Turkey. The choice depends on the patient's facial structure and the extent of the lift needed. Here are the most common methods:

  • Endoscopic Eyebrow Lift: This minimally invasive technique involves making several small incisions behind the hairline. A tiny camera (endoscope) is inserted through the incisions, allowing the surgeon to view the underlying tissues on a screen. An endoscopic brow lift in Turkey results in less scarring and a quicker recovery time.
  • Coronal Eyebrow Lift: In this traditional method, an incision is made from ear to ear across the top of the head, just behind the hairline. This technique can be effective for lifting but may result in more noticeable scarring and a longer recovery period.
  • Hairline Eyebrow Lift: This method involves an incision made between the top of the forehead and the beginning of the hairline. This approach is often chosen for patients with a high forehead, as it avoids raising the hairline further.
  • Temporal or Limited Incision Eyebrow Lift: Often used in conjunction with eyelid surgery, this technique involves slightly longer incisions than the endoscopic lift, made just above each temple behind the hairline. A temporal brow lift in Turkey allows for lifting the outer part of the eyebrows without addressing the central or medial areas.
  • Non-Surgical Eyebrow Lift: Non-surgical methods like Botox, dermal fillers or thread lifts can be used. While less invasive, these methods offer temporary results compared to surgical options.


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Why Choose Plastic Surgery Turkey Group?

Expertise in Eyebrow Lift Procedures

Our clinic's surgeons possess specialized skills and extensive experience in performing eyebrow lifts for the professional and aesthetically pleasing results.

Advanced Surgical Techniques

Specialists use the latest surgical techniques for eyebrow lifts. They are designed to be minimally invasive, to reduce recovery time and improve outcomes.

Customized Aesthetic Approach

All procedures are individually tailored to each patient for the results to enhance natural facial features and meet personal aesthetic goals.

Holistic Patient Care

The clinic provides comprehensive and compassionate care for a smooth and comfortable experience for each patient.

Cost-Effective Solutions

Despite offering high-quality care, our clinic maintains competitive pricing for eyebrow lift procedures, making it an accessible option for many.

Advanced Facility

Equipped with modern medical equipment and facilities, our hospital is a safe and comfortable environment for all procedures.

High Patient Satisfaction

A consistent record of high patient satisfaction demonstrates our commitment to achieving excellent outcomes and providing quality care.

International Patients Support

We offer services of travel assistance, accommodation arrangements and language support for a hassle-free visit.

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Time Spent in Turkey8 Days
Duration of the Operation5 Hours
AnesthesiaGeneral anesthesia
Expected Results3-6 Months
Recovery Time8 Days

Stages of Surgery

First Day


On the day of arrival, patients are met at the airport and taken to the hotel where they have time for relaxation before their eyebrow lift in Turkey.


First Day

On the day of arrival, patients are met at the airport and taken to the hotel where they have time for relaxation before their eyebrow lift in Turkey.


Second Day


The next day, patients have a meeting with the surgeon, where all important aspects of the upcoming procedure are discussed. If there are no contraindications for the surgery, it is then performed and the patient remains in the clinic for recovery.


Second Day

The next day, patients have a meeting with the surgeon, where all important aspects of the upcoming procedure are discussed. If there are no contraindications for the surgery, it is then performed and the patient remains in the clinic for recovery.


Third Day


The patient stays in the clinic under the surgeon's care, the doctor conducts examinations and consults you. Depending on recovery progress, patients may partake in light activities or sightseeing in Turkey.


Third Day

The patient stays in the clinic under the surgeon's care, the doctor conducts examinations and consults you. Depending on recovery progress, patients may partake in light activities or sightseeing in Turkey.


Fourth Day


If there are no problems after the surgery and patients have no complications, they may return to the hotel.


Fourth Day

If there are no problems after the surgery and patients have no complications, they may return to the hotel.


Seventh day


After a final check-up, the patient discusses post-operative care for the return home with the surgeon. After that the end of the medical journey with departure from Turkey is possible.


Seventh day

After a final check-up, the patient discusses post-operative care for the return home with the surgeon. After that the end of the medical journey with departure from Turkey is possible.


Description of the Procedure


Preparation for Eyebrow Lift

In Turkey, an eyebrow lift preparation has several steps for a smooth procedure and recovery. Here’s a general guideline to follow:

  • Consultation with a Surgeon: Schedule a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss your goals, the procedure options, potential risks, and the expected outcome.
  • Medical Evaluation: Undergo any necessary medical evaluations or lab tests as recommended by your surgeon. This might include blood work or a physical examination.
  • Medication Review: Inform your surgeon about all medications, supplements, and vitamins you are taking. Certain medications may need to be adjusted or stopped before surgery.
  • Quit Smoking: Smoking can impair healing and increase the risk of complications. It’s advised to quit smoking at least a few weeks before and after the surgery.
  • Skincare Regimen: Follow any pre-operative skincare regimen as recommended by your surgeon. This may include specific cleansers or moisturizers.


Performing Eyebrow Lift

The procedure of eyebrow lift surgery in Turkey usually begins with the administration of anesthesia. This can be general anesthesia (where you're asleep during the surgery) or local anesthesia with sedation.

The surgeon marks the areas on your forehead and brows to guide the incisions and lifting. The next steps depend on the technique used:

  • Endoscopic Lift: Small incisions are made within the hairline. An endoscope (a thin tube with a camera and light) is inserted through the incisions to guide the surgeon. Special instruments are used to lift the forehead tissues and reposition the eyebrows. The incisions are closed with sutures or clips. Note that endoscopic brow lift in Turkey costs less than in other countries but the quality of the procedure remains on a high level.
  • Coronal Lift: A longer incision is made from ear to ear across the top of the head, behind the hairline. The forehead skin is lifted, muscles may be adjusted, and excess skin is removed. The incision is closed with sutures or clips.
  • Hairline Lift: The incision is made between the top of the forehead and the beginning of the hairline. Excess skin is removed, and the forehead is lifted. The incision is closed, and this approach may slightly lower the hairline.
  • Temporal Lift: Slightly longer incisions are made above each temple, behind the hairline. This allows for lifting the outer eyebrows and is often combined with eyelid surgery.

The incisions are closed with sutures, skin adhesives, or surgical tape. Care is taken to ensure that scarring is minimal and hidden within the hairline or natural contours of the face.


Recovery after Eyebrow Lift

First 24 Hours- Rest with your head elevated. - Expect some swelling and discomfort, which can be managed with pain medication. - Avoid strenuous activities.
1-2 Days Post-Op- Continue to rest and recover. - Possible removal of drainage tubes, if used.
1 Week- Sutures may be removed, if not dissolvable. - Noticeable reduction in swelling and bruising. - Gradual return to light activities.
2 Weeks- Continue to avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise.
1 Month- Return to most normal activities, including exercise. - Final results begin to become apparent.
3-6 Months- Full results of the eyebrow lift are visible.

Frequently asked questions


    The length of an eyebrow lift surgery can vary depending on the technique used. Typically, the surgery lasts between one to two hours. The endoscopic lift is often quicker than traditional methods like the coronal or hairline lift. Your surgeon will give you a more precise estimate based on the specifics of your case and the technique being employed.


    In Turkey, brow lifts are designed to minimize visible scars. The incisions are usually made within the hairline or along the natural contours of the forehead, helping to conceal them. Over time, these scars fade and become less noticeable. Your surgeon can provide guidance on how to care for your scars to ensure the best possible healing.


    You can start wearing makeup again a couple of weeks after your eyebrow lift, once the initial healing period has passed. However, it's best to wait for your surgeon's approval before applying anything directly on or near the incision sites. When you do start wearing makeup again, gentle application and removal are advised to avoid irritating the healing tissues.


    Ideal candidates are healthy patients with realistic expectations who experience sagging eyebrows, forehead wrinkles or a tired appearance because of aging. It's recommended for those who want long-term solutions beyond non-surgical treatments.


    The results of an eyebrow lift last from 5 to 10 years. However, it's important to note that while the procedure can turn back the clock, it doesn't stop the aging process. Over time, natural aging and gravity will continue to affect the skin and facial tissues, which can eventually lead to some sagging of the eyebrows again.

    Lifestyle factors such as sun exposure, smoking, and overall health can also impact the longevity of the results. Taking good care of your skin, protecting it from the sun, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and using appropriate skincare products can help prolong the effects of the surgery.

    For more personalized information regarding the expected longevity of eyebrow lift results, it's best to consult us. We will evaluate your individual case and provide specific guidance, as well as consult you about eyebrow lift in Turkey prices.


    Yes, an eyebrow lift can often be combined with other cosmetic procedures in Turkey. Common procedures that are frequently combined are:

    • Facelift: To address sagging and wrinkles in the lower face and neck.
    • Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty): To correct drooping eyelids and remove under-eye bags, enhancing the rejuvenation effect around the eyes.
    • Skin Resurfacing Treatments: Such as laser therapy or chemical peels, which can improve skin texture and treat fine lines.
    • Rhinoplasty (Nose Job): For those looking to reshape their nose in addition to lifting their brows.
    • Fat Transfer or Fillers: To restore lost volume to the face, particularly in the cheek area.