
A Mini Tummy Tuck (partial abdominoplasty) is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is less invasive than a full tummy tuck. It's for people who are relatively in good shape but have some lower abdominal skin sagging or bulging that they would like to correct.

Unlike a full tummy tuck, which addresses the entire abdominal area, a Mini Tummy Tuck focuses only on the area below the belly button. This procedure involves a smaller incision and less disruption of the abdominal area. This results in a quicker recovery time compared to a full abdominoplasty.

A Mini Tummy Tuck surgery can be performed using various methods depending on the patient's needs. Here are some common techniques:

  • Traditional Mini Tummy Tuck: This is the most standard method. It involves a single incision made just above the pubic area, through which the surgeon removes excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen. This technique may also include tightening of the lower abdominal muscles.
  • Extended Mini Tummy Tuck: Similar to the traditional method, but the incision may be slightly longer, extending towards the hips. This allows for more extensive skin removal and is suitable for patients with a larger amount of excess skin that extends beyond the central part of the lower abdomen.
  • Floating Abdominoplasty or FAB Technique: This less common method involves detaching the belly button from the surrounding skin, allowing the surgeon to pull down and remove excess skin and then reattach the belly button in its new position. This technique is chosen when the skin laxity and muscle weakness is slightly above the belly button but doesn’t require a full tummy tuck.
  • Endoscopic Mini Tummy Tuck: This is a less invasive method where small incisions are made and an endoscope (a thin tube with a camera and light) is used to guide the procedure. This technique is typically chosen for patients who require muscle tightening but have little to no excess skin to be removed.
  • Progressive Tension Sutures (PTS): In this method, special suturing techniques are used to close the space where the skin was separated from the abdominal wall. This reduces the risk of fluid accumulation (seroma) and helps in more uniform healing.

The choice of technique depends on various factors like the amount of excess skin, the condition of the abdominal muscles, the patient's overall health, and the desired outcome.

A Mini Tummy Tuck (partial abdominoplasty) is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is less invasive than a full tummy tuck. It's for people who are relatively in good shape but have some lower abdominal skin sagging or bulging that they would like to correct.

Unlike a full tummy tuck, which addresses the entire abdominal area, a Mini Tummy Tuck focuses only on the area below the belly button. This procedure involves a smaller incision and less disruption of the abdominal area. This results in a quicker recovery time compared to a full abdominoplasty.

A Mini Tummy Tuck surgery can be performed using various methods depending on the patient's needs. Here are some common techniques:

  • Traditional Mini Tummy Tuck: This is the most standard method. It involves a single incision made just above the pubic area, through which the surgeon removes excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen. This technique may also include tightening of the lower abdominal muscles.
  • Extended Mini Tummy Tuck: Similar to the traditional method, but the incision may be slightly longer, extending towards the hips. This allows for more extensive skin removal and is suitable for patients with a larger amount of excess skin that extends beyond the central part of the lower abdomen.
  • Floating Abdominoplasty or FAB Technique: This less common method involves detaching the belly button from the surrounding skin, allowing the surgeon to pull down and remove excess skin and then reattach the belly button in its new position. This technique is chosen when the skin laxity and muscle weakness is slightly above the belly button but doesn’t require a full tummy tuck.
  • Endoscopic Mini Tummy Tuck: This is a less invasive method where small incisions are made and an endoscope (a thin tube with a camera and light) is used to guide the procedure. This technique is typically chosen for patients who require muscle tightening but have little to no excess skin to be removed.
  • Progressive Tension Sutures (PTS): In this method, special suturing techniques are used to close the space where the skin was separated from the abdominal wall. This reduces the risk of fluid accumulation (seroma) and helps in more uniform healing.

The choice of technique depends on various factors like the amount of excess skin, the condition of the abdominal muscles, the patient's overall health, and the desired outcome.


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Why Choose Plastic Surgery Turkey Group?

Specialized Expertise

Our surgeons have specific training and experience in mini Tummy Tuck procedures so that you have high-quality results.

Advanced Surgical Techniques

Our specialists use the latest surgical techniques that minimize scarring and reduce recovery time.

Tailored Procedures

Procedures are tailored to individual needs, so that each patient receives a personalized approach for the best aesthetic results.

All-Inclusive Care Packages

We offer all-inclusive care from consultation to post-operative follow-up for your seamless and supportive experience throughout the treatment process.

Competitive Cost

We provide competitive pricing for mini Tummy Tuck procedures without compromising on the quality of care.

Advanced Facilities

Our modern, well-equipped facilities ensure patient comfort and safety and positively influence the overall experience.

High Patient Satisfaction

Our clinic has a strong track record of satisfied patients, indicating a commitment to quality care and successful outcomes.

International Patients Support

We provide our patients logistical support such as travel, accommodation and language assistance for a stress-free experience.

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Maggie Younan







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Marina Azer






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Time Spent in Turkey9 Days
Duration of the Operation5 Hours
AnesthesiaGeneral anesthesia
Expected Results6-12 Months
Recovery Time10 Days

Stages of Surgery

First Day


Patients are met at the airport and transported to their accommodation where they can relax before their mini Tummy Tuck in Turkey.


First Day

Patients are met at the airport and transported to their accommodation where they can relax before their mini Tummy Tuck in Turkey.


Second Day


A detailed discussion with the surgeon about the mini Tummy Tuck procedure, expectations and any preparatory steps is held. The patient goes to the clinic where the mini Tummy Tuck is then carried out. Post-operative care and monitoring are provided in the clinic.


Second Day

A detailed discussion with the surgeon about the mini Tummy Tuck procedure, expectations and any preparatory steps is held. The patient goes to the clinic where the mini Tummy Tuck is then carried out. Post-operative care and monitoring are provided in the clinic.


Third Day


The patient continues their recovery with a focus on rest and following post-operative care instructions. If permitted by the medical team, they can engage in light activities or sightseeing.


Third Day

The patient continues their recovery with a focus on rest and following post-operative care instructions. If permitted by the medical team, they can engage in light activities or sightseeing.


Fourth Day


Last check-up with the surgeon to ensure proper recovery and discuss ongoing care after returning home. If it is allowed by the doctor, the patient may prepare for the flight back home and the end of the medical trip.


Fourth Day

Last check-up with the surgeon to ensure proper recovery and discuss ongoing care after returning home. If it is allowed by the doctor, the patient may prepare for the flight back home and the end of the medical trip.


Description of the Procedure


Preparation for Mini Tummy Tuck

Here are some general guidelines to help you prepare for your Mini Tummy Tuck:

  • Consultation with a Plastic Surgeon: During this meeting, discuss your medical history, goals, and expectations. The surgeon will evaluate your health, examine your abdomen, and recommend the best approach for your situation.
  • Medical Evaluation: You may need to undergo medical tests to ensure you're fit for surgery. This could include blood tests, a medical examination, and possibly a pre-operative EKG or chest x-ray, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions.
  • Medication Review: Inform your surgeon about all the medications, supplements, and herbal products you are taking. You may be asked to adjust, stop, or start certain medications prior to surgery.
  • Smoking and Alcohol: If you smoke, you'll need to stop at least a few weeks before and after the surgery, as smoking can impair healing and increase the risk of complications. Also, limit alcohol consumption in the days leading up to your surgery.
  • Nutrition: Eat a healthy, balanced diet to support healing. Proper nutrition is vital for recovery, so focus on food rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein.

It's important to follow the specific advice and instructions given by your surgeon. Proper preparation can help in having a smoother procedure and recovery.


Performing Mini Tummy Tuck

The surgery begins with the administration of anesthesia. This could be general anesthesia (where you're completely asleep) or, in some cases, local anesthesia with sedation.

Then the surgeon makes a horizontal incision just above the pubic hairline. The length and shape of the incision will be determined by the amount of excess skin to be removed and previously discussed with you. In a mini tummy tuck, this incision is usually shorter than that of a full tummy tuck.

Through the incision, the surgeon will remove excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen. This is the area between the belly button and the pubic area. In some cases, the surgeon may also tighten the muscles of the lower abdomen. This is done by suturing the muscle fascia to bring the muscles closer together, which creates a firmer abdominal wall and a narrower waistline.

After removing the excess skin and fat (and possibly tightening the muscles), the remaining skin is stretched downward, and the new skin position is secured with sutures.

The incision is then closed with sutures, skin adhesives, tapes, or clips. This closure method will be determined by the extent of the procedure and the surgeon's preference. Immediately after the surgery, you'll be taken to a recovery area where your vitals will be monitored as you wake up from anesthesia.


Recovery after Tummy Tuck

First 24-48 Hours - Pain, swelling, and discomfort are common; prescribed pain medication can help. - Wearing a compression garment to minimize swelling and support the abdomen.
First Week- Gradual increase in light activities; avoid strenuous activities.
2-3 Weeks- Swelling starts to decrease. - Return to non-strenuous work. - Light walking is encouraged to promote blood circulation.
4-6 Weeks- Noticeable reduction in swelling. - Gradual return to more regular activities and light exercise. - Avoid heavy lifting and vigorous exercise.
6-8 Weeks- Most normal activities can be resumed.
3-6 Months- Final results are typically visible; continue following any lifestyle advice from your surgeon.
1 Year- Continue to maintain a stable weight to preserve results.

Before / after

Check out our patients’ experiences and look at their Tummy Tuck photos (before and after) in Turkey.

Frequently asked questions


    The main difference lies in the scope of the surgery. A Mini Tummy Tuck targets only the area below the belly button and involves a smaller incision, while a full Tummy Tuck addresses the entire abdominal area and requires a larger incision. Recovery from a Mini Tummy Tuck is generally quicker because of its less invasive nature.


    Ideal candidates are people in good overall health, at a stable weight, and with excess skin or fat in the lower abdomen. It’s particularly suited for those who have experienced minor changes from aging or pregnancy but do not have extensive loose skin.


    Yes, there will be a scar, typically located above the pubic area. However, it is usually smaller than the scar from a full tummy tuck and can often be concealed under underwear or a bikini.


    As with any surgery, risks include infection, bleeding, scarring, and reactions to anesthesia. Specific risks related to Mini Tummy Tuck include changes in skin sensation and dissatisfaction with aesthetic results.

    Choosing a qualified and experienced surgeon minimizes these risks. Our clinic provides the best specialists in the field so that you have the safest procedures and the most natural-looking results.


    Yes, it's common to combine a Mini Tummy Tuck with other procedures such as breast augmentation or liposuction for a more comprehensive body contouring result. This should be discussed with your surgeon to determine what’s safe and suitable for your needs.


    The results can be long-lasting, especially if you maintain a stable weight and healthy lifestyle. However, factors like aging, pregnancy, and weight changes can affect longevity.

    Here are some key points to consider:

    • Weight Fluctuations: Gaining weight after the surgery can lead to new fat deposits and skin stretching, while losing a lot of weight can result in additional loose skin.
    • Aging: The natural aging process can also impact the results. Over time, skin elasticity decreases, and this might lead to some sagging, even in the treated area.
    • Pregnancy: If a woman becomes pregnant after a Mini Tummy Tuck, the results can be altered because of the stretching of the skin and abdominal muscles.
    • Lifestyle Factors: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise can help prolong the results.
    • Post-Surgery Care: Following your surgeon's post-operative care instructions, including wearing compression garments and avoiding strenuous activities during recovery, influence the long-term outcome of the surgery.